Project Description


We visit schools to not only teach pupils about gender-based abuse but also about healthy relationships and self-worth. Young people are given the opportunity to discuss their own experiences and beliefs, as well as to learn from others, discover more about how to deal with threatened or actual harm to themselves of others, and become aware of the abuse suffered by others around the world.

We believe that prevention is better than cure, and so want to help young people both recognise the threat of abuse and seek out the right friends and partners.

We also believe that young people can be a fantastic force for good, and so want to help them become aware of what’s going on, and inspire them to get involved and bring about change.

We have three main lessons that cover different areas of abuse and violence against women. These are conducted in an engaging and interactive way to keep pupils interested while learning about serious and sensitive topics. The powerful interactive stories and case studies bring these topics to life and show the reality of violence and abuse against women and girls.

Lessons We Deliver

Human Trafficking and Grooming

Healthy vs unhealthy RELATIONSHIPS

Sexism and sexual HARASSMENT

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‘Seeing Red’ is a safe, creative and effective way to engage children in Years 5 and 6 in discussion and thinking around abusive behaviours and attitudes.

Using drama, poetry, movement and open-forum discussions, pupils are guided by experienced and professional theatre directors to talk about abuse in an age-appropriate way.

Children learn different drama techniques and exercises whilst using an initial discussion of bullying and victim empathy as a springboard for dealing with attitudes and behaviours within families.

The session culminates in a short dramatic performance to an invited audience.

Press Red handled sensitive topics with care, but also with clarity so that pupils are left in no doubt about the seriousness of the issues, as well as how to protect themselves and others. The positive impact from lessons are still being felt in our school weeks after they came in.

Christian Pountain, St . Christopher 's C.E. High School, Accrington


We can run workshops in your school to equip, educate and empower

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